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Victoria Suchodolski appears in concerts throughout New England as a harpsichordist, organist, and pianist. A specialist in music of the Baroque era, she has performed Bach concertos on both harpsichord and piano with the Euridice Baroque Ensemble of Amherst, MA and with members of the Lublin Philharmonic as part of the 17th International Piano Festival in Nałęczów, Poland. Victoria has performed in harpsichord masterclasses in the U.S. and internationally for Corey Jamason, Luc Beauséjour, and Marco Mencoboni. At the 2018 and 2019 American Bach Soloists Academy in San Francisco, she played continuo in performances of Handel’s operas “Semele” and “Terpsicore”, as well as Bach’s “Trauerode”. Other recent and upcoming engagements include performing Vivaldi with the Lowell Chamber Orchestra in their inaugural concert, and recitals of French Baroque songs with soprano Anastasia Black in Chelmsford and Salem, Massachusetts. Victoria received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Carnegie Mellon University, where she studied with Sergey Schepkin and Ralph Zitterbart, and her Master of Music degree at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, under Gilles Vonsattel. She currently teaches at South Shore Conservatory and privately in the Boston area, and is the organist at St. Lawrence Church in Brookline. When not at the keyboard, Victoria enjoys singing with the Oriana Consort and working on Bach cantata arias in her voice lessons with the esteemed mezzo-soprano and Bach text translator Pamela Dellal.