On Tuesday, November 5, 12:00 noon to 10:00 pm, the church will be open for prayers and silence this entire time, with formal prayers at the top of each hour, 12:00-7:00. Prayer cards will be available, as well as candles to light and place on the altar. Then, from 8:00 to 10:00 pm, we will watch together the live stream of the prayer vigil at Washington National Cathedral. Join us for any or all of this important time, and if you're able, please sign up for a one-hour slot in the entryway of the church, to tell us you'll be able to stay in the church for that hour to keep the vigil going.
FOR A RIDE TO THE POLLS, contact either of these parishioners, both of whom have volunteered to provide transportation to those who need it:
Leslie Fields, leslie.fields@gmail.com, (413) 230-4821
Rebecca Matteson, r.e.p.matt48@gmail.com, (413) 335-6154